Diablo 4’s world bosses are meant to be fought by several players, but a single pair of pants gives Rogues the power to instantly take them down alone.
Rogues work differently than other classes in DIablo 4. Classes like Sorcerers spend mana to cast spells, but Rogues use Energy and, optionally, Combo Points—which generate on basic attacks.
Normally, Rogues can’t benefit from item stats that increase a your primary resource the same way that others can because of their Combo Point specialization. Rogues can generate up to three Combo Points at a time and use skills that spend them to increase their damage. They can only have a total of three combo points, as illustrated by the three triangles in the UI.
But Tibault’s Will, one of season 2’s new unique items breaks that rule, and the way it works is far too powerful for it to be intended. Instead of giving Rogues more Energy to use certain skills, the pants give them more total combo points, up to 23. The problem wouldn’t be so bad if there were no way to quickly build up a ton of combo points at once, but Condemnation, a unique dagger, has a bonus that will do just that.
This is how Wudijo, Diablo 4…
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